Spiritual cleanse: Anoushey Ashraf takes a break from social media ahead of Ramazan

Spiritual cleanse: Anoushey Ashraf takes a break from social media ahead of Ramazan

Speaking about her plans for the week, she added, “I’ve made it to the mountains again and have signed up for a spiritual retreat which will be about deep conversations, meditation, reading and prayer. Just finding my groove before I set into Ramazan’s self-reflection, realisation and awakening mode.”

Ashraf further added that she’ll miss her “social media family” but is excited for the spiritual journey that awaits her. “I must admit that I’ll miss my social media family this week but I’m also excited to renew my sensibilities, empty this vessel off all the load and come back with a willingness to offer more of myself once I return. I love you all and will. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Much love,” she signed off.

Actors Adnan Malik and Syeda Tuba Anwar, along with fans, sent her love and praised her for taking the much-needed break. 

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