Dead baby dolphin found near Gwadar

Dead baby dolphin found near Gwadar

Speaking to The Express Tribune, Rahim said that the dolphin had already been declared as one of the endangered species by the international organizations. Sharing the cause of the mortality, he said that: “It was because of the by-catch by monofilament fishing gillnetting used by the local fishermen.” He also said that he has recorded the marks on the dolphin’s body. “It is harmless and does not hurt anyone. The fishermen mistakenly kill them without knowing its value,” Rahim said, appealing the fishermen not to hurt the animals.

The local environmentalist and marine experts believed that the number of such mortalities was increasing because of the illegal fishing nets. “These dolphins live in shallow waters and in creeks while the fishermen mostly new ones do not know much about all the fish and hurt all such species,” Rahim explained.

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