With Right Way, On Right Time Green Tea Will Cut Off Your Weight
In the modern era where life is running on fast mode with a tight schedule put both positive and negative impacts on our health. Especially people who are involved in 9 to 5 jobs have not eaten routine as well as not follow the roles of a healthy diet, as upshoot they face plenty of health issues, overweight is one of them which is the cause of so many dangerous diseases like heart attack, blood pressure, sugar, etc. But recent facts about green tea shows great benefits for health and weight loss. A study published in March 2019 by Ohio State University claimed that green tea can cut the risk of obesity and reduce the number of inflammatory biomarkers, which are linked with poor health. The study was published in the Science Daily.
In a recent experiment on animals to know the advantages of green tea for our health. In this experiment, animals were divided into two groups. One group was given a specially designed fat diet and the second group allows to take daily routine food. In each group, half the animals were given green tea extract mixed with their food. The body fat tissue weight, insulin resistance, and other factors were measured for all the animals.
The results were too surprising for scientists. The animal group who took designed fat diet with green tee gained less weight and animal who took just daily routine food without green tee not only gained heigh weight but also acquire more insulin and blood pressure. Doctors suggest that taking a hot cup of green tea after every meal will help to boost the digestive system which strengthens the stomach to fight against diseases.