Our universe may have a twin that runs backward in time

Our universe may have a twin that runs backward in time

The big bang is how astronomers explain the way the universe began. It is the idea that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now—and it is still stretching! Now conside that our universe have a twin that got birth at same time ut run of different time directions. So claim physicists in Canada, who have devised a new cosmological model positing the existence of an “antiuniverse” which, paired to our own, preserves a fundamental rule of physics called CPT symmetry. The researchers still need to work out many details of their theory, but they say it naturally explains the existence of dark matter.

A wild new theory suggests there may be another “anti-universe,” running backward in time prior to the Big Bang. The idea assumes that the early universe was small, hot and dense — and so uniform that time looks symmetric going backward and forward. Althought the myth is too complex but its creator try to explain some so many secrates of the univers included Dark matter.

Other Side of the Mirro

Before understand the anti univers we should know about two very important considrations. 

First is Practical Physica which expplain the realty of foundamental elements which creates the univer. In addition to that Practical Physica also explain forces by which that elements are create bounds with each others. According to Practical Physica model when any particle start moving at same time other particle with anti charge get motion. So it means at time of big bang both prticles and anti particls produced in same quantity. 


Second considration is blance according to Study of Univers, Every action has reaction and every physical action received the same physical action effetc but on anti direction. So both theories help to prove that univers has existance with anti univers. The answer was to assume that the universe as a whole obeys CPT symmetry. This fundamental principle requires that any physical process remains the same if time is reversed, space inverted and particles replaced by antiparticles. Turok says that this is not the case for the universe that we see around us, where time runs forward as space expands, and there’s more matter than antimatter.

nstead, says Turok, the entity that respects the symmetry is a universe–antiuniverse pair. The antiuniverse would stretch back in time from the Big Bang, getting bigger as it does so, and would be dominated by antimatter as well as having its spatial properties inverted compared to those in our universe – a situation analogous to the creation of electron–positron pairs in a vacuum, says Turok.

Can we observe the anti-universe?

The researchers say a CPT-symmetry universe would naturally fill out with particles due to its opposing symmetrical partner, meaning there would be no need for the theory of inflation to explain the rapid expansion of the very early universe.

The theory might also provide an explanation as to why physicists have never observed “right-handed” neutrinos — they have only ever observed three neutrino types, the electron-neutrino, muon-neutrino, and tau-neutrino, all of which spin to the left relative to their motion.

A CPT-respecting universe would require the existence of at least one right-handed neutrino type that would be largely invisible to physics experiments, and would only influence the rest of the universe through gravity. The researchers also note that such a particle provides an explanation for dark matter, as the conditions of an anti-universe would fill our universe with enough right-handed neutrinos to account for the mysterious force.

All of this might sound like it was inspired by the Marvel cinematic universe’s recent forays into multiverse-focused narratives, but the researchers say there are several factors that could lend credence to their theory. We would never be able to access this so-called anti-universe as it technically occurs before our own Big Bang. Their theory, for example, suggests that inflation never occurred. So if upcoming experiments searching for gravitational waves from the early period of the universe — that were caused by that inflation — come up empty, that would be a strong indication that the CPT anti-universe theory might be correct.

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