Like Every Year October Is Marked As National Pink Day

Like Every Year October Is Marked As National Pink Day

A large population of breast cancer patients dies every year due to negligence and lack of awareness in Pakistan

Recently world health organization released a report after survey around the world upon breast cancer and documents revealed that breast cancer is the most common desies which affect the women globally and become the cause of death thousand of women.  Like every year1, October will be announced as a pink month to highlight the importance of awareness about breast cancer.

More than 100 iconic buildings of Pakistan will turn pink to support Pink Ribbon’s Breast Cancer Awareness campaign on October 8. Like buildings of provincial assemblies, Supreme Court, high courts, governor houses, Minar-e-Pakistan and Quaid-e-Azam’s mausoleum in addition to that so many private offices and banks also took part in this pink activity. Chief Executive Officer Pink Ribbon Pakistan Omer Aftab said in his recent interview that “The illumination is aimed at creating widespread awareness while bringing the subject into the mainstream, urging the policymakers to take this issue as a priority. Moreover, it is to draw attention to the early detection of breast cancer and in solidarity with the survivors.”

With the highest breast cancer figure 90,000 Pakistan Pakistan has the highest rate of breast cancer in Asia and according to the yearly medical report, more than 40,000 has been die in last year, which clearly show the Ignorance and negligence regarding breast cancer from both side patients and Government.

This campaign makes the sufferers realize that they are not alone in this fight.

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