Angelina Jolie becomes voice of young Afghan girl on Instagram. Read letter

Angelina Jolie becomes voice of young Afghan girl on Instagram. Read letter

Angelina Jolie, the Hollywood actress known for her humanitarian efforts, on Saturday shared a personal letter from a young Afghan girl that highlighted her plight in the Taliban-controlled region.

Jolie took to Instagram to share a personal letter from a young Afghan woman who had written to her.

Making sure to safeguard the woman’s identity, Jolie blurred parts of the letter in her post, captioning it, “A young woman in #Afghanistan sent me this letter. I’m protecting her identity, but she hasn’t been able to go back to school since the Taliban seized power.”

“Now, with women being arrested simply for taking part in peaceful protests, she writes “I might never be able to go outside again or even be able to speak as I am a girl,” shared Jolie.

The 46-year-old actress then shared another extract from the letter.

“The rights of the woman are taken away from them and they are not allowed to do anything in the country,” the girl had written, sharing an instance that had particularly impacted her.

“Few weeks back when the Taliban arrested 2 of the women who raised their voices in order to ask for the rights of woman and freedom, I just thought, that this is the end and I might never be able to go outside again or even be able to speak as I am a girl.”

Jolie concluded her post with an important call to action, saying, “Please track what is happening in Afghanistan, where young women are being taken from their homes at night at gunpoint and disappeared, and new restrictions are being imposed on the freedom of women and girls day by day,” she wrote.

“Please help ensure they’re not forgotten,” Jolie urged at the end.

Jolie has earlier worked for the UNHCR and done extensive humanitarian work for Afghan refugees. 

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